Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully you can find the answers to your questions here, but if not we are just a call away and would be happy to answer and questions or concerns you may have. We are here to help regardless of what you decide to do or wherever you decide to go.
  • What do you use to remove tattoos?

    Currently, at Erase Ur Ink we use The PicoWay™. PicoWay™  is the most powerful and fastest laser in the world and the only system that has true 3 wave lengths to treat all tattoos including color. It produces minimal heat compared to previous generation lasers and clears tattoos in fewer sessions.

  • How does the laser remove the tattoo?

    Tattoos consist of thousands of tiny particles of pigment (ink) that have been injected into the dermis, which are suspended in the skin. Normally, the healing process and cell turnover remove small foreign particles from the skin. However, tattoo pigment particles are too large to be removed during these natural processes. The laser breaks up the ink into smaller pieces allowing your body to transport and excrete the ink through normal bodily functions. A nanosecond laser breaks up the largest particles and the picosecond laser breaks up the smaller particles a nanosecond laser could never reach allowing for faster more complete erasure of your tattoo.

  • Is laser tattoo removal safe?

    Yes, it is. When performed correctly by a certified, experienced laser technician, laser tattoo removal is both safe and effective. However, it is a clinical procedure. As such, there is a potential for associated risks.

  • Does laser tattoo removal hurt?

    Most patients say that the laser treatment feels like being snapped by a rubber band and that the discomfort is roughly equivalent to having a tattoo applied. We do offer numbing creams for those that request it.

    In preparation for a laser procedure doctors recommend that non-aspirin products be used for minor pain prior to the procedure. Do not use aspirin or Ibuprofen as this can produce bruising after treatment.

  • Do you offer things to reduce any pain?

    For those that request it we do offer numbing creams and also lidocaine injections for the very sensitive.

  • What are the side effects of laser tattoo removal?
    • Frosting - During laser treatment, your skin will naturally turn a frosty white colour. This is caused by the carbon dioxide being released as a result of laser penetration and surfaces on the upper layer of the skin and usually only subsides after twenty minutes.
    • Blistering - During the removal process, the laser will heat up ink particles in your skin, which can cause tiny blood vessels to break around the tattoo. As a result, superficial blisters containing water and ink may appear. In fact, blisters are quite normal and an indication that the healing process has begun.
    • Scabbing -Yet another sign that the tattoo removal is working, scabs often collect fragmented ink particles and usually appear 8 to 72 hours after the area has been treated. When the scab falls off, the top layer of ink will come with it.
    • Swelling - The heat from the laser will catalyze swelling, but just like any other type of swelling, this will go down once your immune system realizes there is nothing wrong.
    • Discomfort - While a lot will depend on your personal pain threshold, it is fair to say that the majority of people will experience discomfort to a certain degree. The level of discomfort also depends a lot on where the tattoo is located.
    • Scarring - Given the technological and medical advances in laser tattoo removal, permanent scarring is rare and occurs in less than two per cent of cases. If scarring does happen, it usually isn’t that noticeable and can be minimized with Vitamin E oil.
    • Infection - Seeing as laser removal treatment doesn’t actually break the surface of your skin, the risk of infection is low, especially if you follow the aftercare instructions set out by the laser technician.
  • Why can't you remove it all in one session?

    All tattoos have layers of ink, stacked on top of each other within the skin. The thick concentration of pigment particles that cannot be completely broken down in one session. Each session will produce some level of fading, although for very new tattoos the fading may not be as visible because the ink is still so thick and dense. If your tattoo has shading, the shaded areas will vanish in fewer treatments because shaded tattoos have a lower ink density.

  • How many sessions will I need for laser tattoo removal?

    Generally speaking, laser tattoo removal can require anywhere from three to eight treatments. The number of treatments will depend upon: the age, size, color, and location of the tattoo; and the type and depth of the ink pigment. Ideally, treatments will be scheduled from four to eight weeks apart to allow your body’s lymphatic system to flush out the dissolved pigment particles.

  • Will my tattoo be 100% removed?

    In most cases, yes. However, keep in mind that there are no regulations on the manufacturing of tattoo ink. There are hundreds of manufacturers with unique formulations, ingredients, colors, etc. Therefore, each tattoo fades at a different rate and sometimes a small amount of pigmentation may remain in the skin even after multiple treatments.

  • Can I remove only part of my tattoo?

    Yes, many patients will either remove certain sections from their tattoos, while others may treat to fade the tattoo enough to cover up with another tattoo.

  • How long is each session of tattoo removal?

    Generally speaking, a laser tattoo-removal session will last no longer than 30 minutes. However, we must assess your tattoo for the following characteristics: size, age, pigment color, pigment type, pigment depth, design intricacy, and location on your body.

  • Any pre-session need to knows?
    • Do not tan or expose unprotected skin to the sun for two to four weeks prior (including sunless tanning).
    • Shave any hair in the area to be treated 24 hours prior.
    • Avoid harsh irritants or products—including mechanical and chemical exfoliation—on the tattoo area.
    • Remove all makeup, lotion, and deodorant on the tattoo area
  • Any post-session need to knows?
    • Apply an ice pack or cold compress over the gauze bandage several times a day (if needed) to help reduce bruising and swelling—can last from one hour to seven days.
    • To help prevent infection, keep the treated area moist with an antibiotic ointment until redness and irritation subside.
    • Avoid washing the area for 24 hours as hot water and soap may cause irritation and delay healing.
    • Avoid vigorous exercise, hot tubs, and saunas for two to seven days.
    • Avoid exposure to sun and use a minimum SPF-30 sunscreen for two months.
    • Seek immediate medical attention if: the area appears to be infected—honey-coloured crusting, oozing, and/or spreading redness; you experience unusual discomfort or bleeding; you have any extreme reactions such as fever, rash, difficulty breathing or other complications.
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